Cultivating joy

Recently, I was stuck in terrible traffic. Literally sat and a standstill for 45 minutes. Of course I was late for where I was headed, and I felt myself starting to spiral.

And then I realized. THIS is the work.

I realized it was within my power to pause, and think about joy. Joy. What is Joy? For me, it is stillness, presence. Contentment. Gratitude. And so instead of allowing myself to give into the negativity I was experiencing, I decided to take responsibility for my own joy in this moment.

There is SO very much in this crazy life to be grateful for. For me, I thought of my friends, my family, my little man, of my husband that I love so much. Of my grandmother who calls me every other day.

And so I sat in traffic with a smile on my face. And you know what? I made it where I was meant to go. Albeit late. But so so happy.

What brings you joy?


The drama with carbs


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